Man what a crazy but totally fun weekend!!! Little Payton had friends over and she seemed distant- this was new, not sure if it was because it was Saturday and we were home and she realized all the toys she then had to share, but she was a little better after nap. We had a little break through too, she didn't hit her bubba one time Sunday- not once, she even let him sit with her in his bouncer- lol. The hubby was sick and man you realize how much you adore your spouse when they are away all day. After cooking, playing on the floor and reading "I love you through and through" 7 times (literally) I realized I needed a shower- hmmmmmmm didn't happen until this morning. I know I complain but I love this all! As I drove to work sobbing- I realized Anthony's role of dropping the kids off is the hardest thing to do everyday- I would be in the worst mood every day if I had to do that- A: Payton walks in like she owns the place and although she blows several kisses and I know she loves me, she doesn't look back for anything- she loves it there! B: I don't think a mommy ever gets used to dropping their big brown eyed, pudgy little nose, cute as a button baby boy off. He just glares up at me like, "my momma" uhhhh breaks my heart every time!!! Sooner start comes Wednesday, although I stress every time, little Pay shocks the hek out of me and most of the time it is more tears of joy. She is so precious, she helped me so much on Sunday with Brayden. She really is getting big girl and I hate it but love it all in one.
After Payton's friends left, I realized how much I miss all those little kido's that I got to spend so much time with before Brayden was here- hugs and kisses sent out from Mimi-xoxoxooxox.