Monday, February 1, 2010

Best Sunday ever...

Not sure if Payton was just so glad to be home or what, but she was a ham yesterday. She has this new thing, she gets my purse, puts it on her sholder and says "bye bye" and walks to the door, she is so funny. She and daddy played all day, she and I took a great nap. After my bath last night, I found her jumping on the couch (we try not to let her do) and she was giggling so hard. She played with her vacuem all day and got to take her first bath with baby brother. She was a big help pouring water on him to keep him warm and washed his feet. I think Payton is starting to like him now that he is laughing more, rolling over and grabbing his feet. Anthony took her to walmart to grab some formula and apparently everybody got a greeting from her, lol. Gosh I can only imagine. Their pictures came in and they turned out fabulous, can't wait to see them on my walls.

Payton loved the snow, the first day she kind of stood back and observed and patted the snow man a little, second day she went for it- showed her how to make a snow ball and after watching Konnor throw them a hundred times, she finally tried throwing the snow. She got a chapped little face, but it was well worth it. She cried and cried to leave her Nonnie after 3 days at her home. But she will be back this Saturday, she is so dramatic and not sure where she got that from, her aunt summer I guess, just kidding.

Brayden is still wheezy, guessing we will be going back to the doctor this week. I wish he would wake up one day and all that be gone, but I am thinking it is going to take some time. I rocked him to sleep last night and it was so hard to put him down, Sunday nights are hard on me knowing I have to work the next day. He slept great and woke up right in time for me to feed and put him back to bed before I got ready for work. I love that boy so much, he is sweet sweet baby boy. He was great at my moms during the storm and so was Payton for the most part. I think he enjoyed his bath with Payton, he loves her so much and it is so cute to see how much he lights up when she comes around. He can be in the crabbest mood and then she comes over and he just giggles, so stinking cute!!! Can't wait to get back home to them today!! The are home with their wonderful daddy.

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