So I have decided I am tired of all this sickness and so far this month January 2010 hasn't been the best, so I have decided I am starting the New Year a little late. January 31st will be our night to celebrate. Works perfectly since we were all sick and dead to the world on the actual New Year Eve. Payton was a terror last night, I am assuming because she had gymboree last night with daddy until 7ish and then went to visit Nonnie, which caused her to be starving by the time she got home. Hopefully that was the problem, she didn't seem to miss me much this week :( but I sure missed her. I hate it when you are so ready to just love on your babies all night and have a great night and it turns out they are too exhausted or sick, or better yet you find you have a pile full of laundry to get started and trash to be taken out before Friday trash men come. I hate that!!! Payton just cried in the bath last night, she didn't want anybody to wash her, she wanted to play and be cranky and then getting her to go to bed, wow was that a different story: she would scream "momma" to Anthony and "dada" to me every time we went in there. She was just tired. I didn't get to see her this morning, left too early for work but little man woke up nice and early so we got to eat together and bond, he is so precious. I broke his little breathing treatment machine, I tell ya if it isn't one thing it is the other, lol. I sure miss them both this morning. Payton has been crawling and climbing all over everything, climbs out of her crib at daycare and on top of her table and chairs at home- I guess I should be happy she can do all that, but boy it worries me when I can watch her. Tonight, I am going to feed her, give her a bath early and just read to her as many books as she wants- can't wait, I have missed her so much. She is so funny when it is time to put clothing on for the day, she pretends she is me, drags her finger and talks out loud what she thinks I want her to wear, pretty cute! Then that girl could wear every pair of shoe all day long if I let her, she loves shoes!!! She gets that from her nonnie. People ask me what gifts she would like the most and that would be shoes. She thinks she is miss thing with shoes!!!
Little Brayden is getting handsomer by the day, he is really so precious, still sleeping through the night for the most part and wakes up with a grin. His skin is so pretty and I am thinking he might have a tad bit of a wave to his hair. I can't tell if it is growing back blondish or dark, but it is finally growing back. Can't wait to get the kids pictures tomorrow and spend a day alone with my husband on Sunday! Him and I could use some time by ourselves.
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