I can't believe I have waited this long to blog about my precious babies!! Brayden is such a big boy now and talking so much. Saying "Thank you, Welcome, Please, Out-Side, Nonnie, Papa, Peaches, Dear God" and of course still saying "um bite um bite". He went potty for the first time over the weekend, which not sure he is ready but man he will be early bird at it! Payton is just about considered a potty trained little girl. She really took a long time, it really is my fault because back in September when we started potty training her, we slacked but not being consistent. Now she knows for sure she is in panties 95% of the time so if she goes it is going to be a mess. Sooo very proud of her. Her Christmas party was a blast and her Valentines Day party she was a doll face. She lead me all over her playground to show momma where she plays. She loves Gingerbread! When they hold up her name and spell it out, she raises her hands and says "Payton!" then she walks over to the table and sits patiently to eat her snack with her friends. she does wonderful. She loves her Jayce Anne too and wishes she could be her. She follows her around and every morning talks about her Aunt P and Jayce Anne at "ingerbead"- Gingerbread. She is now in her big girl bed and sleeps so much better. I feel horrible from depriving her from good sleep. The twin size helped so much. We lay in bed around 745 and sing songs and while I try to read books, she insists on reading herself. She is so funny, licks her left fingers to turn the page but uses her right to actually turn it. She always gives us all a kiss good night and always always has to get up to go potty after she has layed there for a minute or too. She still wakes up bright and early looking desperately for her daddy. So sweet and so much fun!
Brayden would live in his Mommy's hands if he could. His new thing is puckering his bottom lip when he wants me to hold him. It will be my fault if he grows up to be a little boy that whines all the time, lol. I don't care though- they are only little once. When he lets me, I still rock him to bed and we sing "sun"- you are my sunshine and name the pictures on his projector. He insists on having "igger and ooh" along with his best friend "blanket" every night. He is by far the cutest little boy ever!! He is so much happier than I ever dreamed he would be. He was kind of a mad baby so for him to be as sweet and patient little boy- he has turned out adorable. I knew he would but when your a mom you just can't believe how wonderful your kids are. His favorite thing is still balls, he actually sleeps with a pillow ball now. He also loves doggies, the cutest thing to see him with Peaches at Nonnie's house. He cried his eyes out when she left the other day- sweet boy. That boy will be something athletic but hope he is in to school/reading as well. Daddy wants him to be a soccer boy, but I think he might be too tall. I personally hope he plays the saxophone and loves to study all the time, hehe. I turned in his enrollment for Gingerbread, he starts next fall- talk about boo hoo!! I will have to think about having another one or getting me a puppy. lol. He loves Payton so much. They still go through times they fight, but for the most part they are best friends. He follows her around and she tries to make him play babies. He just throws the ball at her head and she is sooooo not interested if it isn't on her own time, lol. We are still trying so hard to make it possible for me to stay home and possibly have another one next year but its in Gods hands for now.
Anthony is pursuing club soccer now, possibly getting a team soon. He loves it and by far a natural at it. When you think of something you are by far the best at and you can make money doing it everyday- that is something special! I wish I knew what mine was, hehe!! Maybe blogging? lol, no really I hope to write a book one day about my darling babies and possibly become a photographer. who knows? He has been attending meetings again and doing great with his sponsor. I am glad he has found his future and I know he will be great at it. He loves soccer, loves being a leader for kids and absolutely loves his babies. And I love him... well a little. Just kidn, I am sure he is going to read this so I had to have fun with it.
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